50 Best Summer Budgeting Tips for Families

Excerpt from GO BankingRates
Dawn Allcot
Jun 6, 2024

Summer is expensive for families. With the kids home from school, your grocery bills will undoubtedly go up. If you pay for daycare or summer camp, that can also eat a big chunk out of your household budget.

If you’re planning for a vacation? Gas or airline fares, hotel prices and convenience food can quickly devour your budget. A recent GOBankingRates survey revealed that more than 57% of Americans plan to stick to a budget this summer. On the heels of Memorial Day weekend, we’ve got 50 expert tips to help you save over the next several months.

Use Rewards and Apps To Find the Cheapest Gas Locally

Even if you’ve boosted your car’s fuel efficiency, you can reduce the price you pay at the pump.

“Gas in the car is often expensive in the summer,” said Jenny Groberg, CEO and founder of BookSmarts Accounting and Bookkeeping. “Optimize your local gas points, whether that’s Kroger (Smith’s) store savings, local Costco or your local gas station membership.”

She mentioned that you can sometimes fill up two gas tanks back to back before hitting the limit of $1 off per gallon, per month at Kroger. “Plan ahead with your partner and meet at Kroger together with two cars and fill up the tanks back to back in one transaction,” she said.

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