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Curly Me!: Empowered by Passion, Enhanced by BookSmarts

How BookSmarts Helped Boost Assets by 25%, Nearly Double Grant Funding, and Take Curly Me! to the Next Level


Curly Me!, founded by Alyssha Dairsow, is a Utah-based 501 (c) (3) organization that serves as a resource to Black girls and their families by way of community events and group mentoring programs to help educate, empower and encourage them to be their best selves.

Utah’s Black population makes up less than 2% of the entire state. When she moved to the state, Alyssha saw a huge need for positive influences and a sense of community to help Black girls to see themselves in a more positive and uplifting way.

Alyssha originally founded Curly Me! with her own money, and although the company has grown and no longer relies on her personal resources, she is intimately tied to her organization and wants it to expand and thrive. 


Since Curly Me! became an official nonprofit in 2018, the organization had grown to the point where they needed more help with bookkeeping. Their unique challenges included:

  1. Financial Management Concerns: Alyssha’s biggest strength is her vision for her community, not financial expertise. She initially relied on a CPA who was at maximum capacity and couldn’t fully meet her needs.
  2. Bookkeeping Needs: Curly Me! needed someone to manage bookkeeping and provide transparent financial reports crucial for organizational growth and grant applications.
  3. Trust Issues: Allowing external access to intimate financial details was a significant concern, especially for a culturally specific organization.

The Solution:

BookSmarts is not only an authority on bookkeeping and finances for businesses of all sizes, the firm was built with the express goal of supporting and providing flexible employment opportunities for women. 

Due to their similar missions, Curly Me! and BookSmarts were able to begin a professional relationship based on mutual respect and trust. BookSmarts provides comprehensive bookkeeping services, quick and efficient financial reports, and payroll services, all enabling Curly Me! to manage their finances more effectively.

Callout quote: “It’s super helpful that I can just call on somebody to say ‘I need this report,’ and I have it within twenty-four hours. I have a lot of balls I’m juggling. I recently graduated, I work, and I have Curly Me! on the side. That convenience is priceless.” – Alyssha Dairsow, Curly Me! Founder and Executive Director


Partnering with BookSmarts to outsource the financial management of Curly Me! allowed Alyssha to focus more on the organization’s mission, programs, and events without worrying about the complexities of bookkeeping. The assurance that financial tasks, including payroll taxes, are handled properly reduces stress and the administrative burden. 

Alyssha was also able to begin paying herself for the first time, a game-changer that will allow her to put more effort towards the organization for years to come. 

Additionally, implementing the BookSmarts solution was part of a larger shift that led to some big results, including:

  • 24.77% increase in assets
  • 2x the number of grant applications filed
  • 41.38% increase in grant funds
  • The addition of payroll services, along with 2 new employees
  • Triple the amount of event ticket sales

“If you are looking to take your organization to the next level, BookSmarts  really does help with that transition.” – Alyssha Dairsow, Curly Me! Founder and Executive Director

Client Comments

"I've always been impressed how astute BookDmarts has been, just sort of watching our numbers and saying, hey, what do you think? You've really helped over the years to relieve a lot of burdens with the details."

Dennis Lifferth

Applied Technoloy

"If I ever have a question, there's somebody who has our back. It is nice to have you guys to ask, 'Hey, do you have a better way, or do you know of a better way to do this?' You are super helpful with it. Thank you."

Leslie Hemming

Rad Concrete

"One of the smartest things we did with this business was to start with BookSmarts in our back pocket as our partner. I trust them completely. I live by the financials and they deliver what I need."

Kevin McNamara

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